Sunday, June 20, 2010

Paris to London (Day 18)

We woke up this morning, packed up our packs and headed for the train station for the last time.  That’s right…today we took our last train ride in Europe.  The train ride was a quick 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Twenty-five of those minutes are through a tunnel that goes 150 ft below the floor of the English Channel.  Crazy!  We got to our hostel, dropped off our bags, and went to grab some lunch.  After lunch we walked around Leicester Square and Covent Gardens.  We went back to the hostel and crashed for a good 2.5 hours.  Woke up, went to dinner, then went to an expensive movie!  Tomorrow we head home.  This has been an amazing trip, and we’ll be sad that it’s over but coming home is always great too!  See you soon Colorado.
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