Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Interlaken (Day 15)

Today we started the day out right…LAUNDRY at an actual laundromat!   We then set out on our hiking adventure.  We weren’t really sure what to expect, as the information desk told us that trail 50 was a “lovely hike”.  We hopped on a train headed into the mountains.  About 30 minutes later we arrived to a small town.  It took us a good  45 minutes to find the trail head (45 minutes of searching uphill).  Eventually, Mike, the fearless leader found trail 50.  The hike was beautiful with flowing waterfalls and green all around us.  However, I would not call it “lovely”…it was pretty much straight uphill for 2 hours…OUCH!  Luckily there were AMAZING views and a Snickers bar awaiting us at the top.  We thought about taking the train down but ended up hiking back down.  We are so hardcore :)  So, here we are blogging in our pajamas, drinking beer and eating brie.  Life is good!  Tomorrow we head to Zurich to see our friends.  It has been 13 years, we are excited!!!


Jill N said...

oh my gosh! looks absolutely beautiful and sounds like you're having such a great time! i love the picture of katie with the ribs--too cute! enjoy the rest of your travels:)

Unknown said...

so glad you did laundry. now i'm not quite as worried. sounds like you're having a fabulous time.

Riley said...

sounds like a beautiful day AND catching up on life (read: laundry). Enjoy Switzerland, especially after the big World Cup Win!!

susan said...

Love the pictures! We have a Cullom family hiking phrase "Canadian Easy" similar situation with the added quote "You might not want to come back through the wooded path near the parking if its close to dusk... Bears Eh."