Friday, June 4, 2010

Paris (Day 4)

Last night we had dinner at Louise’s Cafe.  It was lovely, and so was Louise.  This morning we woke up and went directly to the Louvre, where we got our first cup of normal black coffee at none other than Starbucks.  Then, we bought the headset that spoke to us in English and spent the next 3 hours amazed by how big and amazing the Louvre is.  It was really great.  Then we went to our favorite sandwich guy, and got a brie and chicken sandwich and headed back to the room for some rest.  When we were all rested up we set out for a night on the town.  We went to a park and sat in the shade, ate a baguette and drank some wine on the lawn by the Eiffel Tower, had a fabulous dinner, and went back to the Eiffel Tower after the sun went down to watch them light it up.  It was really spectacular!  No pictures of that because our battery went dead on the camera.  We’ll get pictures next time we’re in town (the 17th!).  Time for bed.  Walked a lot today!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Keep blogging, "wining" and taking pictures. I love it!!