Sunday, May 30, 2010

Packing the packs

Yikes!  It’s a lot of work getting ready for our 3 week adventure.  We packed, and unpacked, and packed again in order to get down to the bare minimum.  I think we got it though.  After we dropped the dog off, we decided to get the packs on and go for a walk around the block with our headlamps at 9:00 at night.  Only in CIMG_3324olorado is that sort of thing normal.  So we’re leaving  on a jet plane tomorrow for London and staying in a hostel in a room with 8 other people.  We’re both really excited for the adventure.  We promise the blogs are going to start to get more exciting starting tomorrow.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

katepaul said...

I don't know how you cram a few weeks worth of stuff in "a" duffle!!! I am impressed! :0